An electrical inspection is an examination of an electrical system or component to ensure that it is safe and meets all local building codes. There are many different types of electrical inspections, each with its own specific purpose. If you’re planning on having any work done on your home’s electrical system, it’s important to know what types of inspections are available. Here’s a quick rundown of the different types of electrical inspections:

Visual Inspections:

A visual inspection is just what it sounds like – an inspection of the electrical system that involves looking for any obvious signs of damage or wears. This type of inspection is typically done before any other type of inspection is performed.

Thermal Imaging Inspections:

Thermal imaging inspections use a special camera to look for areas of heat build-up in the electrical system. This can be a sign of an overloaded circuit or another issue. electrical contractors in New Brunswick, NJ are a great way to prevent electrical fires, so it’s important to have them done on a basis.

Infrared Inspections:

Infrared inspections are used to identify potential electrical hazards by detecting heat signatures. This type of inspection can be used to find overloaded circuits, faulty breakers, and other potential fire hazards.

Thermal Imaging Cameras:

Thermal imaging cameras detect thermal energy and convert it into an image that can be interpreted by a trained inspector. Thermal energy is invisible to the naked eye, but it can be used to identify potential fire hazards. Thermal imaging cameras can be used to find overloaded circuits, faulty breakers, and other potential fire hazards.

Electrical Testing:

Electrical testing is a more comprehensive inspection that involves actually testing the electrical system to see if it is functioning properly. This type of inspection is typically done after a visual inspection has been performed.

Load Testing:

A load test is an electrical inspection that verifies the amount of electricity that a circuit can handle without overloading. This type of inspection is typically performed on new electrical circuits or circuits that have been recently upgraded.

Maintenance Inspections:

Maintenance inspections are typically done on a regular basis (monthly, yearly, etc.) to ensure that the electrical system is functioning properly and to identify any potential issues before they become problems.


There are a variety of different electrical inspections that can be performed, depending on your needs. Be sure to consult with a qualified electrician to determine which type of inspection is right for your home.